Voices: Helping learners develop their own voice in English

In today’s highly networked world English is the tool that enables our learners to communicate with people
from all over world. However, this amazing opportunity directly at their finger tips brings with it new challenges for our learners - challenges which teachers need to address in the English as lingua franca classroom. On top of mastering the nuts and bolts of the language, our learners are asking themselves:
• How can I interact effectively with people with such diverse backgrounds?
• What will help me in making sure my communication is clear and appropriate, especially in difficult moments?
• How can I make my own voice heard amongst all these other speakers of English?

In this webinar we will be investigating how Voices, the new, seven-level, General English coursebook series from National Geographic Learning, addresses these concerns and supports learners in building their self-confidence in communicating with whoever they wish and need to.

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